He was my boyfriend at the time.. we met in school at a party. I wasn’t quite sure how I felt towards him, but a certain feeling was drawing me towards him. (I honestly think it’s because I was trying to make my ex boyfriend jealous, which never worked) anyways.. that’s where my life fell apart. I didn’t notice the abuse right away, it started out as mental. He would call me a slut, a bitch, a dumb fat whore, he would always tell me that I needed to lose weight so I could look a certain way for him.. the sad part is, I actually started to believe him. He tried to distance me from my family, which also worked. Then he moved in my home with me.. that’s when things started to go down hill very quickly. He would always force himself on me even when I said no. He was twice my size so it made it difficult for me to push him off. But one night when I told him no.. he got so furious with me he picked me up and locked me in the closet for hours. I didn’t have a phone and nobody was there to hear me screaming for help. After a few hours of being locked in there he came in and pushed me down, got on top of me, and forced himself in me. I did not want it. I said no repeatedly. After he finished, he peed on me. Yes.. the sick bastard urinated on me. I was so embarrassed and heartbroken all at once I had no idea what to do. He would put roxi’s in my drink so I would get fucked up without even knowing. He drugged me on more than one occasion. When I managed to get up enough courage to call him out about it, he punched a hole through the wall right beside my head. He then proceeded to punch my dresser causing the wood to break, he punched my mirror, and then he took my head, he twisted my neck from grabbing it so forcefully, then he slammed my head against the wall. This went on for 10 months. I was basically his sex slave who he loved to humiliate, drug, and beat. I didn’t know where to go, who to run to, what to do.. i was terrified. I tried to leave one night, i made it all the way to my car and then I see him running out of the house to come get me. I tried my best to crank it up and leave but he got inside the car and punched through my windshield causin it to crack covering the whole passenger side. I felt defeated. I felt stuck. My heart constantly was aching.. he grabbed me and took me back inside. That’s the night i knew I had to get out. I waited until he went to school that day, I packed a bag & I went straight to my aunts house. He blew my phone up with so many threats once he got home and found out i wasn’t there anymore. My aunt helped me. She took me in, I didn’t tell her everything by any means because of the embarrassment. He waited for days at the house for me to come back.. but finally one day he left. & he stayed gone. Well, so I thought. He found me at my aunts house one night while I was leaving to head for work, he followed me around town for days before I even knew it was him. (He didn’t have a vehicle when we were together so I wasn’t expecting him to be driving around anywhere) needless to say, I got up the strength to go get a restraining order done. He still tells people lies about me to this day.. I can’t escape him. I’m still scared. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes in fear that he’s coming for me.

